Sunday, February 24, 2013

There Is Strength In You - Colossians Day One

“…strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy”.  Colossians 1:11 (NKJV)

It’s only right that we should begin our series on Colossians with this scripture.  For it is only through the God of all Majesty that we have anything, especially our strength.  Some of us may feel as if we don’t have enough strength, or we desire more to get through whatever situation we may be facing.  But, God says He’s already given us what we need.  We only need to know how to grasp it.

This verse says it clearly.  You are strengthened with all might.  In other words, you have been empowered in the activating dynamic of God’s strength.  God’s strength!  Not your mom’s strength or your sister’s, but God’s!  It’s already been done, you’ve already been given it and there’s nothing you can do about it.  The only thing you need to do is tap into it.
How, you say?  Well, I thought you’d never ask. 

The other part of that scripture reads, ‘for all patience and longsuffering with joy.”  There are going to be times that these are going to seem like just words to you.  You’re going to see and remember that God gives you His strength but a circumstance may arise that proves too much to bear.  Who really enjoys ‘longsuffering’ and who really endures it with joy?

Knowing that God has already made His mind up about us is knowing that He will enable us to be strong when the time or need arises.  We will be able to supernaturally show courage in the face of turmoil and we can be steadfast in joy. 

It may not be easy.  There may be some things you need to change about yourself; your thought life plays a huge role in your success in any endeavor.  Realize today who you are.  You are God’s beloved.  You have been given strength to endure any circumstance or foe that may appear in your life.  You do not rely on you to provide your own strength; instead you are being empowered by the Creator of All, the God on High, and the Mighty Abba Father.  In His strength, you will sail through troubles with your heart at peace in the awesome love of Christ knowing that no enemy can take away the joy He brings into your spirit.

Keep telling yourself this until you believe it!

Peace y'all.

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