Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Attitude of Gratitude - Day Six

Of all the people in my life, I never have as much fun as I do when I'm with my little brother.  
We are polar opposites in some ways...  He's a bleeding heart liberal, I'm a more conservative Independent.  

This can spell trouble for most families but not with ours.  We are both very outspoken in our beliefs and though I may not agree with everything he thinks, I do honor him and his opinion.  I mean, how crazy would this world be if we all agreed with each other?

He loves furiously, works hard, and is the epitome of life and love.  He shares his heart willingly and truly believes that love will win out in the end.  Jamie is probably one of the strongest people I know - overcoming odds that would make most people curl up in a ball and want to die...yet, he remains strong and steadfast in his beliefs.  Even though I may not agree with some of them, I appreciate that he is true to himself.

It's no coincidence that I chose today, Election Day, to honor my brother.  As a political junkie, I tend to overstate my opinion a lot.  Especially on Facebook and Twitter.  And, there are times when I want to throw the computer in the yard because of a comment my precious brother makes in regards to my opinion.

But that doesn't change my love for him.  In fact, I think it makes me love him just a little more each and every time.  He has not had an easy life.  He struggled all through his teenage years, fighting discrimination and being judged for who he was but he is an overcomer.  I learn so much from him every single day and I feel like I am the luckiest girl in the world to have such an amazing life friend in him.

He truly does rock my world.  I love you baby bro.

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