Tuesday, February 26, 2013

All About Arugula - Growing & Eating

Ahh, Arugula.  I love it.  The dark green leaves are deliciously peppery and can be enjoyed raw for salads (my fave) or cooked.  If cooked, they are similar to collards (which I'm not very fond of).  

This year, I decided to start my garden with seeds, however I chose the 'easy way out' for my arugula - I purchased plants.  I know, I should be ashamed of myself but what can ya do?

Arugula is so easy to grow.  Once the leaves get long enough, you can just hack them off and enjoy on pizzas, sandwiches, or salads.  Within a week, you'll have a brand new bushy plant to enjoy!

A Few Things To Remember:

  • All you need to do is get a small arugula plant (or start it from seed) and plunk it into a container of good organic potting soil. Keep it moist but not wet, and cut the leaves off as they start to mature.
  • As the plant grows it may sprout a few flowers; let these grow and die - they will continually reseed the arugula. The leaves do turn much more bitter as the flowers come out, though, so if you don't like that just keep picking the leaves young.
  • If you don't want to wait for the plant to bolt and go to seed, buy a packet of seeds and continually reseed. This is a fast crop - it grows from seed in under 45 days. So if you keep a couple pots going and reseed every couple weeks you'll have arugula continually.

Seriously, if you grow one thing this year, it should be arugula.  Right now I have several growing in pots, and I'm looking forward to trying my hand at germinating seeds.  

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